What is Eco-Tourism?
Eco-Tourism first began in 1980s by an academic adventurer, Clause-Dieter. The first general accepted definition of Eco-Tourism is to travel relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated
areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery
and its wild plants and animals. However, more recent definition of this is has broadened the original concept. Today's definition of Eco-Tourism is also responsible to travel to the natural areas and protect the health of the Earth/the surroundings conditions. Also to decrease the damage being done to the ocean and aquatic animals that illegal fisherman targets. As well as improving the local communities around.
Why is it a growing trend?
Eco-Tourism is a growing trend because it is sustainable and produces better results for the environment as well as improving the lives of local communities. It is both profitable and sustainable. It has raised individual awareness and conserves the natural habitats and aquatic species. It also gives the benefits of building a stunning breathe-taking natural tourist-attractions destinations for people to enjoy.
How tourism help our oceans?
Eco-Tourism helps our ocean by protecting the species that lives in there, decreasing the damage being done by illegal fishermen. Basically just helping it to produce a better-quality ocean waters along with preventing such species to become instinct etc.