
Monday 30 November 2020

Christchurch City Centre EOTC Activity

 Hi everyone! Welcome to another post of mine. As you may know or not, In Wananga we have a selective choice activity regarding our 3 days field trips upcoming this Wednesday to Friday. One of our trips is to go to the City Centre in the town. One of the activities was to recreate a piece of artwork from the museum by the school resources we have. Here's a picture down below. You can obviously tell which one is the original and mine. I tried my best. I hope you like it! =) 

Aldernaline Forest EOTC Activity

Hi Everyone! This week is worth looking forward to because on Wednesday to Friday, we are having our EOTC field trips to certain places. But before that, we had some activities to do regarding the EOTC days. We had to choose an activity for each day. As result, we have to have at least 3 activities done at the end. The days we had were our 3 days trips which are Aldernaline Forest, Jellie Park, and City.

I choose the one at the bottom on the right. 

If I were, to be honest, I am looking forward to none of the trips. Not because I hated all of it, because none of it seems to pricked my interest. The location that probably sounds the best to me was the city because one of the destinations we are going to the city center is the Museum and Library. I know for most people, these places sound boring. However, for me, It is not. Museum because I am interested in seeing things in the museum, specifically arts in the museum. Next Library, because I am interested in seeing a variety of books I haven't seen in any regular book store. I'm a bit nervous about the parkour in Aldernaline forests because I have Acrophobia (fear of heights). On my very best guess, I think I will enjoy the city part the most, but I never know. It might not be ideal when the real thing happens.

Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!

Sunday 29 November 2020

Hurumanu 2: Digestive System

 Hi everyone! In Hurumanu 2 (Science), we learned about the digestive system and organs that work together to get our digestive system functioning. We are tasked to make a DLO (digital learning object) show our findings or what we have learned. Here, I have made a slideshow presentation to share my learning. I hope you find this helpful and informative. Have a nice day :)

Monday 23 November 2020

Visual Arts: Slinkachu Emulation

 Hi. For the past few weeks, in Visual Arts, we began looking at Slinkachu's amazing artworks and photographs. After doing a bit of research about Slinkachu, we were set a task to develop ideas of our own using miniature figures and to create an emulation of Slinkachu's work. We used Slinkachu's work as an inspiration for this unit. In my opinion, I think Slinkachu's work is splendid.

Here is the slide we were working on. It will provide information you need to know about Slinkachu.

I hoped you like my photographs and have a nice day. 

Tuesday 17 November 2020

FIlm Study: Challenges Charts

In Film studies, we were tasked to either do Challenges charts of 2 lead characters of our choice or create a resume with the 2 lead characters of our choice. I chose Coraline and the black Cat.

Here's my work:

Monday 16 November 2020

Wananga: Blogging choice activity

 Hi everyone! Today in Wananga we were set a task to do a blogging choice activity. We were given a choice to pick whatever we want that is listed on the grid. One of the choices on the grid was to create a blog post to share a memorable experience that you had recently. I'll write about how my long weekend went. Anyway, enjoy, I guess.

On Thursday afternoon, my family and I drove to a camp with some friends at Clearwater lake. Supposedly, we were going to stay there for 1 night and 2 days only. But it was extended until Saturday as my parents find it relaxing to stay at a camp with the mountain's reflection on the clear lake view along with the chirping noisy birds. How wonderful right? Honestly, I'm not a fan of long drives or camps. I mean, I find the view of nature peaceful and relaxing. However, there are some downsides to it. Since the campsite was a public tourist attraction, it was kinda a bit crowded, just a little bit. 

It was a long weekend holiday so people usually tend to go to places to see some sights or stay there for a night or so. Therefore, a bunch of people stayed there and did some activities that disturbed the peace. As you may or not know, the lake was named "Clearwater" because it is clear and still. I was hoping to see that still clear water view but because of the public's activities revolving around the water. Such as Water skiing (there were heaps, sadly) and kayaking, etc. Disappointed I was, it wasn't an ideal camp for me.

We set up our tent near the lake to get a better view. But as a result of the un-still water, with high tides because of water activities, it was disturbing at night. I couldn't sleep peacefully because I felt like the water has met in contact with our tent as the waves were loud as you can imagine. Maybe I am exaggerating it a bit, but it is what it feels like back then.

Moreover, I caught a cold with the dust when we walked to the other side of the lakes as there were cars arriving on the campsite. Not to mentioned, it was parched. I couldn't breathe properly as I was covering my nose but that didn't prevent me from catching a cold with the bacteria on the dust I guess. 

Overall, I think it was a terrible camp. No offence. I think it would have been better if I stayed at home but then again, it is unhealthy to stay indoors for hours with your eyes glued to your devices. 

Saturday 14 November 2020

Health: Discovery Project - NPD

 Hi everyone! In health, we were set a task that required us to explore areas of health that interest us in groups or individuals. I decided to work alone on this project and the topic I chose was Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). 

Firstly, we had to answer this doc that was shared with us regarding our chosen topics. There were questions that help us with our research to get a better understanding of our topic. We had to select 5 big questions to answer for the topic of our choice. After answering those 5 big questions, we then proceed to answer strategies or ways to overcome our specific topic. 

Lastly, we had to make an activity or something that teaches another group or the class about our topic. I decided to make a detailed slide-presentation with pictures in it.

I think I just worked okay with myself as for this discovery project. However, I think I could improve on managing my time efficiently so that next time I submit my work to the given due date. Other than that, I think it's all fine. I enjoyed learning about NPD and was fascinated by how underneath the extreme confidence and ego lies a vulnerable damaged self. Anyway, thank you for reading and viewing my blogpost. Have a nice day! 

Friday 6 November 2020

Film Study: Frey-tags Pyramid - Coraline

Namaste everyone! This week we had another task in Hurumanu 2 film study regarding the plots of the film. Today I've learned how a Freytag's pyramid works as it process to develop the plot of a story. As usual, we used the movie Coraline as our references for our learning. Basically, Freytag's pyramid is a pattern of a dramatic structure highlighting the 7 keys or steps in order to produce a successful storyline. Anyway, we were tasked to make our own version of Freytag's pyramids of the Coraline story plot.

I wonder if there are some other patterns in telling a story other than this?
Anyway, here's the result of my work. I hope you like it!

ESOL: Halloween - Hanako-san

 Hey guys! This week and last week we had a project assigned to us by our ESOL teacher. The project's theme was Halloween because it was Halloween last week. We had to research a legend or a myth in our own culture or other cultures. We also had the choice to do it in any digital learning platforms as long as the expectations are met. Jolly and I worked on this project together. We selected the legend of Hanako-san. If you don't know or haven't heard of this myth. You will learn more about it down below by watching our own mini-filmed that I've edited about it.

Here's our mini-film about the legend of Hanako-san and what it's about.

P.S if you can't view the video please kindly request access and I will gladly accept it. Also one more thing, I apologize for the low volume sound in it. It's just some minor inconvenience I had while editing the video.

Thank you for reading my blogpost. Have a nice day! Do you believe in a myth or legends? Comment down below what are your thoughts about it. I'd like to hear it :) Also, can you give me a some feedback what I could improve next time!

Thursday 5 November 2020

Plastic Pollution - Essay

Hi everyone! In Hurumanu 1, we've been writing essays about a specific topic we selected relating to sustainability issues. 

Plastic pollution

              Over the years, the number of plastic products being produced, used, and wasted has increased rapidly around the world. Causing one of the world’s urgent problems, Plastic pollution. Now, what is plastic pollution? Plastic pollution is basically the build-up of unnecessary used up plastic objects and particles in the world such as plastic bottles, bags, and microbeads. Apparently, the world produces at least 3.5 million tons of plastic just in a single day. Hence the landfill sites are filled up often. Therefore, with the lack of human sympathy for the environment, we sometimes throw rubbish recklessly everywhere. Which causes problems of plastics floating around, and plastics could travel everywhere. Which will eventually lead their way into the ocean. Harming the lives of aquatic animals as well as land animals but also human lives as well.

            Plastic can harm animals. It could be as simple as accidentally consuming it and getting stuck to it. As a matter of fact, land or sea animals could get strangled over discarded six-pack rings which usually happens numerous times. In fact, one million seabirds and 100,000 aquatic animals were killed by six-pack rings yearly. Animals might also mistake the plastic or any kind of waste floating around the sea as their food. It’ll consume the object and as a consequence, it will get intoxicated and soon die. Unfortunately, did you know? Scientists have found that in at least 144 species, there are plastics hiding inside their bodies due to maybe accidental consumption. As a result, millions of individual animals died each year due to plastic pollution. But how does it affect us? In some way, those factors end up contaminating our own food. Moreover, some plastic particles are even found in our tap water. We could basically end up eating plastic affecting our health without even knowing it! That’s insane!  

             Plastics are indeed dangerous for everyone. But is it really all terrible? I don’t think so. In 1907, plastic was first invented by a Belgian chemist named Leo Baekeland. It was invented to benefit humans’ everyday lives. For instance, plastic revolutionizes medicine with life-saving appliances like life-jackets, life-buoys, etc. Moreover, It is also a convenient use for our daily lives. It could be as simple as having a plastic bag provided for you whenever you go to the supermarket to put in your groceries. Plastics are also cheap, hence most companies use plastics as packaging material. Speaking of plastic packaging, it is also hygienic. It protects humans from outside conditions like rain and as well as good protection against definite contaminations and disease. Besides, they also help preserve food so that it is still suitable to eat. In addition, it also has saved lives with helmets, car airbags, and equipment that helps filters for clean drinkable water sources. Not only that but also made space travel possible and moderated cars and jets. Furthermore, they do not give off methane in the worsening process. For instance, when organic materials end up in (places where garbage and trash are dumped), they usually give off big amounts of methane, which is harmful pollution. However, plastic doesn’t produce these substances. All of this proves that there are good benefits and advantages to plastics. But what are the downsides of it?

             As mentioned at the start, plastics affect animals' and humans' lives by accidental consumption and so on. Are there any other effects of plastic pollution done in the world? Sadly, yes. In some developing countries, they suffer from a flood of plastic wastes from all over the world that is caused by plastic which leads to all sorts of pollution. Plastic causes water pollution. Companies illegally dump their plastic wastes into a nearby river or lake which contaminates it and causes all sorts of environmental issues. Additionally, it causes air pollution. A bunch of plastic wastes has to be constantly burned down, as a result, sets off harmful gasses into the air. If harmful gasses are exposed to air, it can also damage our ozone layer. The ozone layer is basically the thing that protects the earth from getting too hot from the sun. If it’s damaged, it wouldn’t be able to protect us, and the temperature of the earth will increase and cause global warming. Which is already happening. Air pollution also increases the chances of getting the pulmonary disease. Moreover, plastic is a non-renewable source. In order to produce plastic, the main ingredients are oil and natural gas. We certainly know that oil isn’t renewable and it doesn’t last forever. That is why it is not a renewable resource, so we can’t forever use plastic. 

             However, there is still hope. Some people think that there is a potential of having eco-friendly plastics in the near future. Fortunately, high-tech devices being made might help scientists to discover alternative eco-friendly plastics. While that is still being progressed. Here are a couple of simple things you can do to help the world reduce plastic wastes and pollution. Although, the world nowadays is so dependent on plastic for their everyday lives. I believe we as individuals could make a change for the better. You could start helping the world today by simply doing one of these things as soon as possible. Separate yourself away from disposable plastic products. 90% of the items we use in our daily lives are only used once and they go straight onto the bin and they usually contain plastic. Examples are a plastic wrap, straws, coffee cup lids, grocery bags and etc. To avoid doing so, instead, bring your own fabric bag when going shopping for groceries. It could save your money from buying that plastic bag. 

Lastly, using the 3 R’s, recycle, reuse, reduced. It’s obvious that we needed to do these things. Even so, I don’t think we do a nice job of it. Most people don’t bother checking the labels of the bin before throwing away their rubbish. We need to look at the labels and make sure we don’t mistake the type of rubbish we put inside that specific bin. Like, make sure you put unnecessary and potential cardboards into the recycling bin, so it doesn’t go to waste when it can be recycled. Reuse things that can be reused. For instance, those plastic cups maybe. You can wash and dry them and they can be reused for another time again. Reduce the number of plastics you use. How? By simply being wiser of the products you buy at stores. 

That goes in the line of using your money wisely. Avoid spending your money on pointless things that could harm the surroundings. Choose a product that could be more helpful to the environment. Put pressure on manufacturers. Now, this might sound wrong but please don’t think of it as the other way. Although we could make a difference in our own habits. Manufacturers obviously have a bigger ecological footprint than us. If you believe that companies could be wiser at their use of materials that affect the environment, let your voice be heard. You could write them a letter about it or strike them where it really hurts. If you don’t have the guts to do that, you could instead, spend your money on a sustainable competitive advantage. 

To wrap this up,  just do the best you can as an individual to help with the situation. No matter how small it is you’ve done to help, it still counts and would make help a difference. Even so, don’t be discouraged. I believe that, if we work together as one helping this world’s issue, we can change the world for the better. Before it is too late. Remember, we, humans are the root of this problem however, we can also end this problem the way we started it. Take actions as soon as possible and have faith and hope. No matter how massive and terrible the problem is, there is still good in it. We may not completely put an end to it but I hoped we could balance the pros and cons out. 


Film Study - How does Music enhanced the story?

 Hi everyone! I'm back with another blog post. This week in Film study, we began to look at how the music enhanced the story. As usual, we use Coraline as our film reference for this. We were tasked to write a SEXXY paragraph. 

Here is my SEXXY paragraph:

In the film Coraline, music was used productively to set up a mood in each scene. For instance, in the intro of the movie, the music starts off as a minor key. As it proceeds to play, a major key started mixing in but it is still predominant of the minor keys. The tempo was quite slow but it gradually increases and went down a little bit, staying neutral. The director did this to make the audience feel excited, disturbed, and curious about what the movie is about to bring. Coinciding with the shot had creepy and nostalgic music in a minor and slight major key makes it exciting and builds up tension in an unpleasant way. This aspect can be compared to the scene when the other father sang a song to Coraline. It was a fast tempo song in predominately major keys. There are some diegetic sounds used in the scene which is the piano playing. It sounds like a real piano playing in the scene. Its own dynamic makes the scene cheerful and filled with enthusiastic vibes. 

I don't really have any wondering about this. I just find it fascinating how sound effects and the background music sets up the mood in a scene in the movie. Anyway, I hope you learned something new. Bye!

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Heart Dissection - Science

In Science, we have been learning about the Circulatory system as well as the parts of it. As a part of our learning, we dissected a pig's heart. In order to get a deeper and more visual understanding of how the heart works. A pig's heart was a good option due to the fact that it is similar to the human's heart. 

Before we discuss how the dissecting went. Let's learn the functions of each Circulatory system parts work.

Arteries -  Arteries are a blood vessel that takes the blood away from the heart. 

Veins - The veins take the blood back to the heart.

AtriumThe Atrium is the upper chamber of the heart that receives blood.

Ventricle - The ventricle is a V - shapes cavities that push the blood into the arteries to take it away from the heart. 

Vena Cava The vena cava is a large vein carrying deoxygenated blood from the body to take to the heart. - Deoxygenated means that it does not carry oxygen. 

Aorta The aorta is the main artery that carries the blood away from the heart to the body.

Right Side of Heart - Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium from a vein called Vena cava, the blood is then pumped to the right ventricle. The right ventricle then pumps it to the lungs to get oxygen 

Left Side of Heart - Like the right side of the heart blood enters the left atrium but this blood is oxygenated, which means it carries oxygen with it. Then the atrium pumps it to the left ventricle, after that the left ventricle pumps the blood to the body to deliver oxygen. 

Valves - Valves are gates that only go one way. They open up to let blood flow to the ventricle, it then closes so that blood doesn't flow back out. 

Heart Strings - The heartstrings are strong fibers that hold the valves in place.  

Personally, I think dissecting a heart was okay. I'm not really a fan of it but I don't hate it either. I think it's fascinating how we actually get to look at a real heart (not a human heart though, a pig's heart but it looks similar to it) visually to get a deeper understanding of the parts of the circulatory system. Cutting the heart in half satisfies me the most. 

Here are some photos I took during the dissection.