
Saturday 23 December 2017

Fun summer learning journey! day 1 activity 1

Maui and the giant fish

Hello guys!, this was my first time doing a summer learning journey activity, so my experience was good and fun, so today was my first post about the summer learning journey day 1 activity, and I'm hoping that you will enjoy it!. My first activity was to find three interesting facts about Maui and the giant fish story. Here's the link to the story of a man called Maui and the giant fish.
Here's my three interesting facts:
1. Maui was not just ordinary fisher man, he is a great fisher man.
2. Maui was a great fisher man than his brothers.
3. And most of all, Maui has a great attitude, he is not like his greedy brothers.
      What I have learned in this story:  
I learned that, if you think you can't reach your dream, don't give up and after the sacrifice that you did, at the end your dream will come true, like what they say difficult roads leads to a beautiful destination.
I hope you guys learned something in my blog post and I hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Fun Athletics Day!

Athletics Day!!

Hello guys!, Yesterday at Hornby Primary School was Athletics Day. I was so happy because sport was one of my favourite subject. The events was happened on our huge field. The sport the we did are Shot put, Discus, long distance (running) Sprints, high jump and long jump. The athletics day went good, because lot's of children have resilience and doing their best.

 My favourite part of day or time was the long distance (running) sport because, it was challenging because, we need to do 4 laps around the field, without stopping and also because it was the sport that I love the most. I came 3rd on the Long distance (running) sport because, I tried my best and have good resilience, but it's okay for me that I was 3rd because, at least I have a good time in their. No matter what place you got, the important is that you finished it and tried your best.

 My goal: My goal for next year was to improve my skills in sport and get better at sprints.
My reflective comment:  I was happy and enjoyed the athletics day 
Bye guys and have a great weekend!


Friday 24 November 2017

Wow Gorgeous dolphin ever!

Fucos: Writting information report
Hi guys This week 6, Term 4, 2017, I'm going to share my learning and it is about Information report about gorgeous rare dolphin's in the world. I found gathering some information is challenging because you need to check the information if it's true or not. Luckily, God help me about it. Have a nice day!.    
Rare dolphin Information report:
Kumusta! My name is Elisha Mae, and I’m from Hornby Primary School, today I’m going to talk about rare Dolphins in the world, that might blow your minds, so seat back and get ready to be amazed. First, I’m going to talk about Maui dolphin and I hope you guys Enjoy!. Did you know guys, that Maui dolphin and Hector's dolphin are cousins, well I’m here to help you, learn more about rare dolphins.

“Maui’s Dolphins”, Maui’s Dolphins is the world's smallest species of dolphin and it is one of the rarest known dolphin in the world. Why they are so special?, they are special because they are only found in west coast of New Zealand North Island and nowhere else in the world.“Coast” means the part of the land that near in the sea.

They are a subspecies of the Hector’s Dolphin. Maui and Hector’s dolphin look different to other common dolphin because, they are the only New Zealand dolphin a rounded black dorsal fin. Here’s an evidence:  
   Image result for common dorsal fin dolphinImage result for Maui dorsal fin dolphin \
             Common Dolphin                            Maui Dolphin     
The word “Maui” is from the Maui’s dolphin’s name comes from te Ika-a-Maui, the Maori word for New Zealand’s North Island.  Here’s a link where I find the Information: Link, Link. The female Maui dolphin grow to just 1.7 m and weight up to 50 kg, while males are slightly smaller.    
Maui dolphin picture:   
Image result for maui's dolphin    Image result for Maui dorsal fin dolphin \
Maui dolphin eat fish and squid. Maui dolphin are very slow breeders, they half one calf every two years or Three years.    

Next, Hector Dolphins, Hector's Dolphin are the smallest and one of the rarest  marine mammals dolphin in the world, A “Marine” mammal means, they live in the sea, but can breathe in the air. Hector dolphin is only found off the coast of New Zealand. All of the dolphins seen in New Zealand water’s, only the Hector’s dolphins are the ones with rounded black dorsal fin.

They also have distinctive black markings on their fins, tails, flippers and faces. Hector's dolphin live for up to 20 years. Both the South Island Hector’s dolphin and the North Island Maui’s dolphin are listed internationally as species threatened with Extinction, Extinction means the state or process of being or becoming extinct.  Here’s a link where I found information about Hector’s dolphin: Link, Link
Hector’s dolphin picture:
Image result for hector's dolphin Image result for hector dolphinsImage result for hector dolphin

Next, Indus and ganges river dolphin, These freshwater dolphin live in the rivers of India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. The Ganges river dolphin can only live in the fresh waters. Females are larger than males, and give birth once every two to three years to only one calf. They are often found alone or in small groups, and generally a mother and calf a travel together. “Calf means a young bovine animal. Calves are chocolate brown at birth and then have grey-brown. The Ganges river dolphin can only live in freshwater and it is a blind dolphin. Here’s a link where I find an Information about Ganges river dolphin. : Link  and Link.
Ganges river dolphin pictures:
Image result for ganges river dolphinImage result for ganges river dolphin
I hope you guys Enjoyed the facts that I give you, and have a great summer weekend!. Don’t forget,you are Gorgeous person.   

Monday 20 November 2017

Reflection,Translation and Rotation

Fucos: Reflection, Translation and Rotation

Hi guys!, welcome back in my blog again, Me and my maths group is working on Reflection, Translation and Rotation. We make a maths DLO for you guys, to learn more about Reflection, Translation and Rotation. I found the DLO (Digital Learning Object) that we are going to make is challenging, because we need to explain it really carefully to you guys what it is mean, so that you guys can understand it.  I hope you guys like it a 100%.

Translation DLO:
Reflection DLO:
Rotation DLO:
I hope you guys enjoy and have a great day! bye 

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Freak the mighty

Freak the Mighty character traits about Max
Focus: My focus is to reread carefully about what I have read.
It was week 3 of Term four. In reading subject, we have been starting to read a new novel about Freak the Mighty. We also have character traits. The task ask to do is, read carefully what we have read about the character in the story, and write it, in the Character traits slide. The purpose of character traits is where we put information that we have been reading about the character, anyway I choose the freak the mighty novel book because the Freak the mighty novel is funny, touching and amazing. I want to share some facts about one character in Freak the Mighty, named Max.   
Facts about Max:
Max has a strong body. He likes to be alone. He thinks he is very stupid so he calls himself Butt Head.  Everyone used to be scared of him, on account of his size. He is also his tall. He lived with his grandparents on his mother's side. I found the challenging the task to do, because, every detailed that you found about the character, you should write it in the character traits slide.     
Reflective comment: I was feel happy, about what I've done and I enjoy every single thing that we do on our learning.   
I would be grateful to hear your feedback.., so please can you give me feedback, so it help my learning. 
Here's some information about Max:
I hope you guys enjoy this blog post, and have a great day!


Friday 27 October 2017

Great Experience on swimming

Focus: Achieve our goals in our last day of swimming in Canterbury swim school. 

After 1 week of our swimming lesson, I have been have awesome experience on swimming. The days past, I see myself that I was getting better in swimming, because I know how bubble breath and float by myself. I learned a lot of swimming lesson, because our coach is very kind, and this is our the last day in Canterbury swim school, so I tried hardly as I can to reach my goals on swimming. Today we are going to learned about water safety, I was excited to learned how to be safe in water. Yesterday, we started jumping in the big pool and floating by our self, I was so scared and nervous, but luckily, I have great "resilience"- resilience means facing your fierce, tried your best and don't give up.

Reflective comment: But sadly, I didn't reach my goals, because I'm still working on it, but I Improve my self in swimming. It's okay for me that I'm still working on it, at least I have fun working on it.   

Next Step: I will really tried my best, and reach my goals on swimming. Here's my video in swimming:


Wednesday 18 October 2017

"Amazing swimming lesson time"

Focus: Achieve our goals in Swimming 
"Canterbury Swimming Lesson 2017"
Hi guys, It was the start of Term four, and this is the first week of our swimming lesson in Canterbury swim school 2017. So I'm gonna tell you what happened on our Day 1 swimming in Canterbury swim school. Here's a link to the slideshow about what happened on our Day 1 swim lesson in Canterbury swim school. ( Link )
After the swimming I felt very well, in the first sight I thought the swimming was hard it's not that hard I thought. But, I really Enjoy my time in swimming lesson, our coach in swimming was very kind.
Goal:My goal in swimming was to swim properly with breathing
Next Step:My next step was to achieve my goal and
Reflective comment:I'm gonna do my best next time on swimming
Here's a picture of me:
I was the one that wearing a yellow cap.

Friday 29 September 2017

Characters Collection "Holes" Great activity

Focus: Thinking Critically about what we have read and using our inferring skills.   

Hi guys this week, we have been doing our Last activity of our novel. 
We have 4 choices: Character collection, Text conversation, Going deeper and Create a game. Character collection, Character collection is to create a visual that shows items that would be important to one of the characters in your novel.  Text image, text image is about two image of the characters in your novel, having a text conversation. Next, Going deeper, Going deeper is about, a them, event or something else what you would like to Investigate further. And finally, Create a game, create a game is about using gamefroot to create a game that includes important parts of your novel.

 So I choose, character collection activity, because it more creative that you can do, like create your own characters collection of your novel, and also I challenge my self to be more creative and I also enjoy making a collection of my character because I loved making a model, because in my character collection we've make it out of modelling clay. 
Here's my worked/DLO looked like:
Sep 29, 2017 10:31:57 AM.jpg
I've been working hard on it, so please can you give me some feedback?
So I hope you guys enjoy my blog post about Character collection on reading.
Bye guys have a good day!  

Thursday 28 September 2017

Safety Netiquette rules for future

 We are focusing how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.

Hi! This week 9, Term 3 2017, We've been learning about what is Netiquette are? and I want you to share some Netiquette rules of don'ts and dos online. I found at the first time, the Netiquette was an interesting word, but when I learned about it, it was really a good word. I was challenge about finding what do's and don'ts Netiquette rules. I hope you enjoy it!.      
What are Netiquette?
Netiquette are the rules of behaviour that apply when communicating online. The word Netiquette comes from the the words net and etiquette.
What is Etiquette?
 Etiquette are the rules of behaviour considered to be good manners.
What is Net?
Net is a shortcut of the word "Internet".
Why Netiquette is Important?
Netiquette is Important because, it is a rules for everyone, for how to behave online. Because some of the adults are not displaying the netiquette rules.
Here are Safety Netiquette rules for future 
Reflective comment: I think this is a good lesson for adult's, for how to behave online
  Next step: I will followed the rules, and showed the rules when I'm online 
I hope you guys learned about my DLO...
Bye Guys have a good day, don't forget to followed the rules! and don't forget to give me a feedback!  

Friday 22 September 2017

Great "Replay" Writing

W.A.L.T. I know I will be successful when I can…..

  • Write a first person diary entry.
  • Use a range of language features.
  • Express ideas in correct paragraphs.
  • Expand on ideas and use interesting sentence starters.
Hi guys!, this week 9, we have been doing a writing about "The little brother is eager to escape the confines of the bunker and when his sister brings home a tape recording of children playing he cannot resist anymore." I've been learning some interesting word like "Fragile", fragile means an object that easily broken or damage. Here's my writing down below and also there was link to the video.      

You are gonna be reading my SAD STORY, you will gonna be need a tissue for your tears. Can I trust you?,Okay then, My name is Rony and this is my Diary, I’m also gonna tell what happened on 2076.
It was the 3rd of July, 2076, 2:00 of afternoon
Dear Diary,
Our town and our environment was already destroyed by the bad people, every house in our town are destroyed except, our house.  Our town was covered with sand and dirt
There is no trees and plants in our town and, even the animals are died by breathing the dirty air. Our town was so deadly BROKEN. We don’t have enough money to buy food, so my mum always go outside and collect some stuff that we could sell it. I was lonely in my bedroom, I have no friends, and I have no one could play with. I’m really bored.  A couple of minutes, my mum Niamey,  was already came back home. She got a lot of things in her bag, she brought me a flashlight. I hold the flashlight and turn on it, it was lightening like a bright  twinkling little star in the sky. She also brought a things from her bag, it’s interesting because it has two circle around it and It’s recording something like a children laughing and giggling.
I tried to get it but, my mum warned me that thing is dangerous and I need to sleep right now because it’s night time. I was really mad because my mum not allowed me to touch the fragile thing and she said, I’m not allowed to go outside with her because it’s dangerous. Now I’m in my bed and have to fall asleep. The Next Morning, I woke up so early, I check the clock it was 4:00 o'clock Am, and my mum is still sleeping. Ohh, I know, I will get the thing, I listen to the sound that was already record on the fragile thing. I can hear the Cheerful sound of the children playing, so I thought I can played outside by myself, without my Mum.
I wear the mask oxygen, so I can breath outside.
Later, Niamey, Rony’s mum is awake. “Get up lazy boy, time to wake up”, said Niamey, then, she put a water in the glass for Ronny to drink. But when Niamey check Rony in Rony’s bedroom, but Rony wasn’t there and the fragile thing that she found wasn’t there also,”Oh my god, it can’t be possible!”, Niamey said when she start panicking. She grabbed the extra oxygen container and rushed outside. I was outside, I can see the dirty air, and the house that ruined by the bad people and  the environment was also ruined. I stop, I can hear the soft tweeting bird from the sky, and I think I could record it in the the recorder fragile thing.
I can feel the dirty air through my skin, and I just continue walking until I can see, the river that doesn’t have any water. It filled with old fragile things, and the side of it there was a old dirty car, I walked through it, Suddenly, I can hear a bell noise coming from an old ruined school. Niamey was running with panic, in the middle of the dirty air, toward the city, to find Rony. I enter to the school gate, I can see a small playground in the front of the room’s, and in the edge of it, there was a run about rides.I come closer with it, I moved the hand of the ride, to check if it’s still working, “Yeah it is”, I said to myself joyfully, it was still working.
I sit to it, and put the old recorder on my side, and swing around the run about rides.I stop the ride “Huh?”, I was confuse, I could see a two children. without wearing an oxygen, I was shock…, I think they can breath in the air, I tried to take the mask off, but I remembered that, when I take off the oxygen mask I would be probably die. So I didn’t take it off.  
Next, Niamey was still finding Rony, her son until, she reached the city, she’s very worried about Rony. Rony stand up and come closer to the two ghost, he can see that the girl ghost has paper air plane to her hand, and she threw it away in the air.
It goes round and round, to the playground, it also past in Rony’s front, Rony trying to catch it, but it too higher to catch it, the paper airplane come and landed, in the front of the broken window. I turned around, and the two ghost was whispering to each other, and I think, they are talking on something, I really want to take off the protecting thing in my face, but I can’t.
Niamey have been running and finding Rony, in a couple of minutes, she stop, Niamey was very tired and felt like running out of breath.  
Rony was stubborn kid, so he ,first, take off the protecting thing in his eye, and drop it into the ground, the two ghost was looking to Rony.
Niamey past, the ruined river, where Rony has already past, Niamey was so nearly in the school, but it’s too late, Rony take off his mask oxygen and take a little breath.
His broken one foot has healed.
And, Suddenly a golden liquid magic power from Rony has also healed the environment, he looked in his around, the gold liquid magic power has turned the environment back into normal and also the whole town. It got turned back into a colourful place and pleasant place, the two ghost has also back into normal, it turned them into a human.
I was very shock after I take of my mask oxygen, it was just like a nightmare, and now it was so beautiful, “do you want to play with us?”, ask the two human, I smile and rush to get the paper air plane to the window, I realised it was just an imagine, everything did not back in normal. I was already die, I’m  lying in the ground.
As Niamey has arrived to the school, she enter the gate and she was very shock, she can see Rony was lying down in the ground, she can see I already take off my protecting thing to me like the oxygen mask, and the protect mask in my eye.
“Oh no Rony”, she cried, her tears sorrow in her face.
The only thing that Rony left is the recorder fragile thing…
                                                             The End…….

I hope you guys enjoy this writing!, Bye guys, have a good day!

Sunday 10 September 2017

making slime for our Marble day

W.A.L.T. (we are learning to) make a slime

Hello guys!, welcome back on my blog, This blog post is about making Slime for our Marble day, In our class we have a marble jar, inside of the marble jar, we have 100's marble, we have to earn that because if we earned all the marbles, we have a treat from our two amazing teacher.
After a couple of weeks we earned the 100 marbles, so we get the treat. we've vote some stuff,
but, the get most vote was ''making a slime'', so our two teachers decided to make a butter Slime for our Marble day! here's a picture of a butter slime

Related image
Butter Slime
Why we are making a butter slime?
Answer: We are making Slime because, we achieve our Marble day.

How we achieve our Marble day?
Answer: Before we achieve the Marble day, First, we have to earn the 100 marbles in the jar.

How to earned some Marbles?
Answer: To earned some Marbles we have to follow our rules/values and have a good manners and do the right thing.

What is our Values in class?
Answer:  Respect others, environment and selves, and do the right thing
Reflective comment: I'm very happy that we make a butter slime, because it was my first time to make a butter slime. It was very sticky but after a couple of minutes it's feel smooth and not sticky      

So, I really hope you guys enjoy this post about our Marble day.
Bye guys.... 

Saturday 9 September 2017

Piano writing

I know I will be successful when... :
Re-call what is happening in the video.
Use adjectives and experiment with language features.
Use paragraphs correctly.
Begin sentence with different / Interesting sentence starters.

Hello guys! Welcome back on my blog, this time on week 7, Term 3 ,2017 we've been working a couple of weeks on a writing called "Piano", it's about a grandfather playing a grand piano and remembering his memories while his playing the piano. I was so carefully thinking what I'm gonna put on my writing, I was also challenging to find some interesting words to put on my writing, I really hope you enjoy this post.

Click a link down below in the underline word.

I can hear, a slow, sad, depressing music, as it floated in my head as my fingers danced on the piano keys. Suddenly, a memorable moment just popped out in my head, as I remember my pretty wife, named Lani, who was pretty as a princess. After an accident, my wife died in car crashed, I was still wearing my wedding ring, it was the sign of our unforgettable, endless love in sickness or in the trials, I will love my wife forever. But, a while ago, A ghost faded in and someone hold my hands and played piano together, It was the soul of my beautiful wife, it made me remembered all the times that we spent together. Then, She finally, kiss me on the cheek and faded away, I know I’m playing sad and depressing music because that is the only way to covered the pain that I felt.      

My fingers played the grand piano as fast as I can, Playing this tune was making me remembered my friend died in the war, Since, when I was a soldier. Way back, in 1997, It was the third of July, we are on the middle of the war, “ BANG BANG BANG”, a loud shoot from a gun my friend Dannie was hired by the bullet’s, My tears sorrow in my face, after my Friend died, I felt like I was alone in my life.

I was just keep playing my grand piano, and I remember something amazing when I was a kid. I remembered when it was my 4th birthday, I received a birthday gift from my parents, my birthday gift was a head of horse stick and I imagine my young self was duet playing my grand piano.

After I remembered all that memories my heartfelt that I was not alone after all.

The End  

Monday 4 September 2017

Our Amazing School Production

"Our Amazing School Production"

This Term 3, 2017, week 6,On week 1 to week 6, we have been working really hard on our School Production of Extravaganza.
On the 30th and 31st of August 2017, Our Amazing School Production happened at the Hornby High School Auditorium, It was on 6:30pm started on boths nights,
      Our topic is about NZ Music Month, we have 10 New Zealand songs, we performed those 10 songs at both nights, The 10 songs are:
(Click the link on the words)
I choose 6 months on a leaky boat because it's sound really nice, Those 10  songs are New Zealand old songs, we choose those 10 songs because we want the people remember the awesome NZ Musics.
My group in "6 months on a the leaky boat song " are David, Lyan, Skyler, Bailey and Taneesha.
  We have been working very hard on the props that we need on our Music and also our two Amazing Teacher Mrs Millard and Mrs Machaclan are working very hard to organise our performance.
In my group (6 months in a leaky boat) our costume are Navy blue t shirt with white stripes, black pants and a Sailor hat, David was the captain and the others like me are members.
The "Why does love do this to me" song was the last music that we are going to perform ( All of us on Ako Ngatahi class).
Before the performance I was felt a little nervous because there was a lot of people in the front on the stage will watching us performed, I inhale and exhale myself to make me calm down and not feel nervous, Then, a couple of seconds I'm feeling come down and I felt now confident.
After our performance, we come to the stage and awarded the most have been working really hard on organising the Extravaganza event and say thank you to the Audience for coming on our Extravaganza.
What we have been learned: the steps dance, the music, where we are going to go (Back stage) and have confident.
Reflective comment: Our performance went really good, we smile at the audience ( having a confident) and we do our personal      
          Next Step: I think my next step is have more confident and tried my personal best

I hope you guys enjoy this blog post
See yah! have a great day.

And here's a slide show about what good things, bad things and Interesting that happened on the Extravaganza.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Rettelling the Important part of the story

W.A.L.T.  Retell the Important part of the HOLES Novel 

This Blog post is about sharing  my learning about Rettelling the Important parts of the HOLES novel.  This Term 3, week 5, At Reading we learned how to Retell the Important part of the story,Link I've done a comic Strip about Retteling the Important part of the Holes novel,  It's make me challenge to find some Ideas how to make a comic strip and also some pictures, luckily , I found some ideas from the google. 
I learned how to make a comic strip, and down below there's a slideshow, show how my comic look, and there's a detail on the side if you not understand the words in the picture, have a look on the right, the word on the right and the left it's just the same, but I added a couple of detail.
I hope you ENJOY this BLOG POST!!
Please comment on my blog..             

Friday 18 August 2017

Somalia Writting

W.A.L.T. Write a narrative through the eyes of one of the crew, or the robots, or the captain 

Hi people! This Blog post is about sharing what I've learned,
This Term 3, week 4, 2017 We write a writing about Somalia, Somalia is about pirates attacked the big sheep and the captain, and the Robots save the day. I learned this following words:
Wicked - Wicked means Evil
Frightening - Frightening means making someone afraid
Terrible - Terrible means extremely bad or serious

I don't know this word before because I'm a Filipino and  I still learning my English language, This writing make me challenge to use jersey words.
I hope you guys ENJOY my writing!!
Bye Guys!!!!      

Written by: Elisha Mae

It was 6:51 of the afternoon, I can see the sun was about to go down, I was at the coast of Somalia, Sailing  the ship to Somalia, Somalia was a country, it’s located in East of the African. I can see the reflection of the sun on to the water, just like a metaphor, I was drinking tea while the Engineer sailing the ship. I can see the Pirate boat are coming towards our ship, I fell frightening and terrible ,I feel my body was shaking like the Earthquake shaking on my body.

Then, the  pirate enter in our huge ship, First they attack the cook and taste some of the delicious dishes, Next the three Engineer are attacked by the evil pirate , and finally their leader was reached where I am and the Engineer, Then, he took my hat and shout to me , “Hey I’m the new Captain”, he said very evil, and he took the key of the Huge big ship, I’ll let him took the key because I know that the robot will save the day!.

His slave was also attacked ,the other people in the Big Ship, and they reach where the robot hiding, suddenly the other Robot came through to the pirate and attacked them, Bang!! Bang!!, the Big robot attacked the pirates. Then, the Big robot came to the room where the wicked pirate sailing the ship, Next the robot touch the arms of the pirate.

The Big Robot pointed his finger where the pirate and robot fighting, the wicked pirate was very shocked about what he saw. Finally, the Robot attacked the evil wicked Pirate leader and took the key back to me.
Yeahey!!!, shouted everyone, Robots save the day!!
So all the people in ship say thank you to the robots.

The End...            

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Power Point

W.A.L.T. make a power point about New Zealand Music Month

Hi guys this Term 3, week 4, a couple of weeks we learned how to make a power point, and I have some Information about the NZ Artist that I choose, I was very challenging because it was very hard to find some Information about it, but really hope you enjoy it guys bye!!
Please come to our up Extravaganza!!!
Bye guys!!    

Friday 11 August 2017

Danny's Travel to the Highest Mountain

W.A.L.T. write a descriptive piece of writing through the eyes of Danny

Hello guys! It's me again, This Term 3 ,week 3, my writing group wrote about Danny's Macaskill travelling to the highest mountain. I've learned this word: Metaphor. A Metaphor is a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else. 
I hope you guys enjoy my writing, have a good day.    

“The Ridge”
Written by: Elisha Mae

One day, a man named Danny was getting ready to travel to the highest top of the mountain. He put his helmet on, and rode in his own boat .
He start rowing the paddle of his boat and went through the lake.
He crossed the cold lake that was filled with seals swimming around the
lake. He also saw the gorgeous view of nature, the lake was so blue as the glass.
Then, he landed on white sand, he get’s off the boat, gets his bike off the boat and finally rides on it.
He past the rocky land up through the hill, suddenly he past on a big rock. Suddenly, he did a really cool trickson his bike, like a ball bouncing up and down to the ground.
Next, he went on a large wooded log he balanced his bike so he can cross it.
After he past it, he did a cool tricks to jump through the next rock.
          The tyres of his bike were strong as the wall, he can do any tricks on his bike. He finally reached the river, the river was very clear as the wobbly jelly.
He went up the rocky hill again and do tricks like ballet. It was impossible to climb up with his bike, so he carried his bike up to the mountain.
He was very confident to climb up the highest mountain, the rock was hard as the building. Until he’s on the top of the mountain, he looks to his side and saw the beautiful view.

The End


Sunday 6 August 2017

DLO fractions

We are learning to know about fractions

Hi people its me again! this week 3 Term 3 2017,  Me and my maths group learned how to add fractions and learned the three types of fractions, The three types of fraction are Proper fractions, Improper fractions and Mixed number.
Proper fractions - The numerator is less than the denominator
Improper fractions - The numerator is larger than or equal to denominator 
Mixed number -  A number written as a whole number with a proper fractions

1 - Numerator the top number, Numerator is the number of parts we have. 
2 - Denominator, the bottom number Denominator is the total number of parts the whole divide into.
  I think my next step is to Improve my maths learning goals.
I hope guys you learned about my DLO, I will really appreciate if you learned fractions from my DLO.
Bye guys!   

Saturday 5 August 2017

Hornby Primary School Extravaganza

Hi guys this Term 3 week 2 to 3 we draw a poster about Extravaganza Production, I hope you come to our Extravaganza on Wednesday 3oth and Thursday 31st of August at 6:30 pm. Extravaganza is about New Zealand Music month culture, all the people living at the New Zealand celebrating NZ music month. 

Buster the Boxer story

W.A.L.T. Write a narrative through the eyes of Buster
Hi Everyone! Me and my groups learned a writing about Busted the Boxer.
First we watch the video about 

“Busted the Boxer”
Written by: Elisha Mae

It was night before Christmas. I was inside the house living with one small happy family. They had one daughter named Ashley, her father named Blake and her Mother named Marina.
“Up, down, up down”, I saw Ashley jumping up and down on her bed.
in a while, her Mum, Marina, went to her bedroom and kissed Ashley on the cheek and said, “Go to bed Ashley” . Ashley lay down in her bed and fell asleep.
I saw in the edge of the house her dad, Blake, was outside and building his trampoline Christmas gift for Ashley.
After he built it, he put a red fancy ribbon and tied it. He walked inside the house and watched a tv show with Marina at the living room. I was also at the living room.
While they were watching a tv show, I saw the two foxes named Mia and Ben were walking towards the trampoline and jumped in it.
Mia and Ben’s conversation.
Mia: Hey Ben! Look it’s a trampoline.
Ben: Oh yeah It’s very exciting.    
Mia Let’s jump in it!
Ben:Okay let’s go.
Ben and Mia climbed up and jumped up and down smoothly on the trampoline. Then, the badger, squirrel and hedgehog went to jump up and down on the trampoline too. They are having so much fun!!..      

“ I was so very envious that the animals were jumping up and down on the trampoline, because there were having so much fun and I was so bored inside of the house sitting in a fluffy coat, I wish I could Jump there”, I said to myself very sad.

The next morning, I saw the bright sunny sun rising up to the sky and it was cold snowy outside, everyone are awake. Ashley went outside to look for her Christmas gift that Blake prepare for her, and she saw a large trampoline gift sitting at their backyard, She was so very surprised,” Thanks mum and dad”, she said.
Next, She ran very fast as she can, towards the trampoline gift and I raced with her through the trampoline. I couldn't imagine what I’m doing  
Then suddenly she stopped. I came first to the trampoline and I climbed up to enter the trampoline, and jump gleefully.
They saw me jumping up and down. They are very shocked and confused after seeing me because I am a dog.
I was so very pretty jolly in this day, I was Jumping up and down very joyfully and pleasant, “This is the best day ever”, I shout happily.

(Best gift that everyone will love)

The End

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