
Monday 25 March 2019

Mars Rovers!

Aim: To design and build a Mars Rover using  Lego Technics.

1. Rover facts
2. Design and make draw Rover
3. Mars facts

Research links:
Mission to Mars - NASA
Mars rover view
1. Rover facts

Why do we have each of the parts?
Fill in the table below.

So It can move around Mars.
Solar Panel
So It can charges it's battery from the energy of the Sun.
Is for detecting things in the distance, they are like eyes.
So the people can see through the camera what's the environment looks like.
Shovel, rock pick, drill
It is for if there was a big rock that looked different from any other rock there and picks it up.

Mars Rover details:

2. Make a Mars Rover that has the following:
  • 6 wheels
  • 1 camera
  • 1 shovel, rock pick, at the front
  • 1 solar panel
  • 1 laser that points at the ground
This is our Rover made out of Lego's
Peoples that with me to make this amazing Lego Rovers are;
Shreya, Risha, Nevaeh and myself.

3. Mars Facts

You will need to find out the following:

Picture of planet

Image result for EarthImage result for Mars
Length of 1 year
365 days687 days
Length of 1 day
24 hours1d Oh 37 m
Distance from the sun
149.6 million km227.9 million km
Distance from Earth.
It's already in the Earth54.6 million kilometers
9.807 m/s²
3.711 m/s²
Blue and a little bit of GreenReddish
-88 to 57 C195 degrees F
Rainfall990 mmRain doesn't exist on Mars

  1.  The atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and smaller amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, helium, and neon.
  2. Roughly 80% of the weight of the atmosphere is located in the troposphere, which is the layer closest to the earth

1. Mars atmosphere is
not yet hospitable to humans.

2. Scientist think we might
be able to live on Mars in the
upcoming years.
1. Rocky, Mountainy
or Smooth.

2. Earth has water perhaps, It's 70% of the

1. Rocky, Dry, and
Hard and full of
Reddish colour rocks.

2. Like I said, The surface
of Mars are dry, that you can
walk on it.
Moons and names
1. Moon
1. Demios

2. Phobos

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog post!


  1. Bonjour, Elisha Mae
    Wow you got it done in the time you were given. You work very hard in science. You did a lot of research in the time given that is well done.
    Next time you could add a conclusion because I can not find one.
    Bye, Nevaeh

    1. Thank you for your feedback Nevaeh, I'll make sure next time I'll add a conclusion.


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